Mutual Funds

Mutual fund is an Investment towards the AMC (Asset Management Company)


And allow the fund manager to invest on behalf of us, in a various type of stocks and deposits. Because of that, 


2 major motivators – Equity & Debts, with dual benefits of Asset allocation and diversification, to meet the Growth and safety. Mutual funds give you flexibility to invest and exit, with transparency.


But today mutual funds, AMCs and fund managers are plenty in the market. So we need a financial planner to decide to trick the AMC and schemes. The financial practitioner should know the Risk appetite of a client and to monitor and manage the funds. Only the best guider can show you the road map of when to enter and when to exit, when to pay towards the funds and increase or decrease the amount, when to switch, transfer and withdraw/redeem the fund after reaching the goal based on the purpose.


We, WINWORTH, expertise in all the scheme management and supports and helps to manage,


We suggest our clients to invest for small amount to huge amount with confident, for which giving a hand to them for creating a bigger vision with surplus amount towards investment

What You Gain Out Of Mutual Funds?


Financial independence and Wealth creation!


Yes! Accepted! It’s risky as Market related investment. But when you gonna step on your journey to Mount Everest without physical and mental risk? Being safe is always best for good and healthy lifestyle. But only the best combination of leading lifestyle with both guaranteed and non-guaranteed fruits can create a MAGIC in your life. Hence, be safe with proper low-high risk appetite! Don not get into these Mutual fund investments with Craggy face, just think like buying some vegetables and fruits monthly, also buy this SIP for your wealth creation! Only the difference is, those veggies and fruits will make you healthy, and SIP will make your finance healthy. 

Mutual Funds - How Safe?


1. Fund diversely invested

2. Able fund manager

3. Continous monitoring the fund

4. Varoius Schemes in Various segments like small cap, mid cap, large cap, flexi cap, debt funds.

5. Simplified procedure to enter and exit

To Initiate Your Finance, Ask Yourself


“Why do I want to invest ?”
“What is the time frame to achieve my goal?”
If you find the answer for the above Qs, then you are the best money maker, also you can call yourself as the best Wealth creator!

Educate on ME!